Testimonial : Anders Rönquist | Head of Development Cooperation | Embassy of Sweden in Nairobi (Sida)

Testimonial: Dr Sadiq Syed | Deputy Representative and Officer-in-Charge | UN Women South Africa

Testimonial: Paul Lister | Trustee | Primark Better Lives Foundation

@ummi Interesting quote from a case study +image x 5

Testimonial: Raynald Miranda | National Facilitator of Gol-D methodology | Visao Mundial (World Vision Brazil)

Testimonial: SEP, Pelle Lutken | Policy Analyst | UNDP

Testimonial: John Plastow | Programme Director | CARE International UK

Testimonial : Matt Damon |Co-founder | water.org

Testimonial: Marieke van Schaik |Managing Director |Dutch Postcode Lottery

Testimonial: Ambassador Franz-Michael Mellbin |European Union Special Representative and Head of | The European Union Delegation to Afghanistan